Jspacenews.com stworzyło "nazistowską Polskę"?
W odpowiedzi na haniebny tytuł jednego z artykułów portalu Jspacenews.com sugerujący istnienie w czasie II Wojny Światowej "Nazistowskiej Polski" nasza redakcja wystosowała list otwarty. Poniżej cytujemy jego treść.
To Jspacenews.com
We would like to make a formal complaint about the article entitled 'Famous Picture: Observing Yom Kippur in Nazi Poland' which has been made available on jspacenews.com.
We would also like to kindly ask you to change this offensive title, as historically there was no such political entity as 'Nazi Poland'.
Please note, that If you choose not to change the title of this publication, we will assume that it was posted deliberately, and consider it a disgraceful act against the country of Poland and Polish people. In particular all those Poles who were executed during WWII by Nazi Germans for helping Jews and saving their lives.
Kategoria: Wiadomości