Henryk Kiereś
70 years ago, on the 2nd of November 1943, Henryk Kiereś was born in Księginice near Dzierżoniów, a philosopher and a publicist, a professor as well as a Director of the Philosophy of Arts department in the Faculty of Philosophy at the Catholic University of Lublin, a professor and a member of the Scientific Council at the College of Social and Media Culture in Toruń, a co-founder of the Polish Society of St.Thomas Aquinas, a member of the Scientific Committee and a co-author of the Universal Encyclopaedia of Philosophy. A contributor to the Radio Maria; a defender of metaphysical realism; a critic of liberalism, socialism and postmodernism; an adherent of the reestablishment of (an administrative and territorial form known as) State Country.
prof. Jacek Bartyzel
translated by Arek Jakubczyk
Kategoria: Reactionary Diary