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RSSReactionary Diary

Martin Kromer

Martin Kromer

| 23 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

425 years ago, on March 23rd 1589 at the age of 76 Martin Kromer had died in Lidzbark ,a Catholic priest, diplomat, humanist,a historian and theorist of music,one of the promoters of the Counter-Reformation in Poland, a son of a burgher and a noblewoman (ennobled in 1552 by Sigismund Augustus for his works on the subject […]

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Herman von Salza

Herman von Salza

| 20 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

775 years ago, March 20th 1239, at about the age of 60, Herman von Salza (Hermann von Salza) had died in Salerno, a Knight – monk and diplomat from the year 1210 (the fourth) Grand Master of the Order of the Hospital of St. Mary of the German House in Jerusalem (OT) commonly called the […]

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Jacques de Molay

Jacques de Molay

| 18 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

700 years ago in Paris, on March 18th 1314 at the probable age of 71 Jacques de Molay went up in flames at the stake, the last (since 1293) Grand Master of the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Fratres Militiae Templi, pauperes Commilitones Christi Templique Salomonis) popularly known […]

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count Giovanni dell’Emilia (conte) Acquaderni

count Giovanni dell’Emilia (conte) Acquaderni

| 16 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

175 years ago, March 16th 1839, count Giovanni dell'Emilia (conte) Acquaderni was born in Castel San Pietro near Bologna, a Catholic activist, sociologist and a banker, co-founder (1867 ) of the Italian Association of Catholic Youth – forerunner of Catholic Action, the founder of the first Bologna Catholic journal " L' Avvenire d'Italia , in […]

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count Giovanni dell'Emilia (conte) Acquaderni

count Giovanni dell'Emilia (conte) Acquaderni

| 16 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

175 years ago, March 16th 1839, count Giovanni dell'Emilia (conte) Acquaderni was born in Castel San Pietro near Bologna, a Catholic activist, sociologist and a banker, co-founder (1867 ) of the Italian Association of Catholic Youth – forerunner of Catholic Action, the founder of the first Bologna Catholic journal " L' Avvenire d'Italia , in […]

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Karl Burian

Karl Burian

| 13 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

70 years ago, on March 13th 1944 at the age of 47, Capt. Karl Burian was shot in Vienna, a Habsburg legitimist, the founder and leader of the Ottonian Corps ( Winderstandgruppe de Corps Ottonien ) the anti-Nazi underground Resistance Group, also known as the Central Committee of the Monarchist Movement ( Bewegungen der monarchistischen […]

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Maximillian II of Bavaria

Maximillian II of Bavaria

| 10 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

150 years ago on March 10th 1864, at the age of 52 Maximilian II of Bavaria (Maximilian II. Joseph von Bayern) of the House of Wittelsbach died in Munich, a son of Louis I and father of Ludwig II and Otto I; from March 28th 1848 the King of Bavaria, Count-Palatine of the Rhine, a […]

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Fr. Stanislaw Tworkowski

Fr. Stanislaw Tworkowski

| 7 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

15 years ago, on March 7th 1999, at the age of 98 Fr. Stanislaw Tworkowski (coat of arms) Ossoria died in Dąbrówka near Kadzidło in Kurpiowska Forest at the age of 98, a Catholic writer and a scout activist as well as a soldier in the 1st Polish Corps in Russia (Gen. J. Dowbor – […]

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Sir Hugh Fraser

Sir Hugh Fraser

| 6 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

30 years ago, March 6th 1984, at the age of 66 Sir Hugh Charles Patrick Joseph Fraser died in London, a conservative politician, the younger son of a Scottish Catholic aristocrat – 23rd Chief of Clan Fraser and the 14th Lord Lovat ( Simon Fraser ), a graduate of Oxford and the Sorbonne, during World […]

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Jan Dobraczyński

Jan Dobraczyński

| 5 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

20 years ago, on the 5th of March 1994, Jan Dobraczyński, pseudonym Eugeniusz Kurowski died in Warsaw at the age of 83, a Catholic novelist, essayist, journalist, playwright, screenwriter and translator, a member of the student association Iuventus Christiana and the Association of Catholic Writers, an activist of the National Party (Stronnictwo Narodowe), a contributor […]

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