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Jan Dobraczyński

| 5 marca 2013 | 0 Komentarzy

Dobraczyński20 years ago, on the 5th of March 1994, Jan Dobraczyński, pseudonym Eugeniusz Kurowski died in Warsaw at the age of 83, a Catholic novelist, essayist, journalist, playwright, screenwriter and translator, a member of the student association Iuventus Christiana and the Association of Catholic Writers, an activist of the National Party (Stronnictwo Narodowe), a contributor to the "National Thought" (“Myśl Narodowa”), "Directly" (“Prosto z Mostu”) and ( Poznanian ) "Culture" (“Kultura”), a soldier in the war during the 1939 polish campaign (promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in 1988), from December 1939 an editor of "Struggle" (“Walka”) publication of the NOW (National Military Organisation) and the Supreme Council of SN (National Party), whilst in the Underground movement he also edited the "Affairs of the Nation" (“Sprawy Narodu”), and "The Voice of the Homeland" (“Głos Ojczyzny”); an associate of Żegota (Council to Aid Jews) (he rescued approximately 500-700 Jewish children), as an officer of NOW and the Home Army (AK) took part in the Warsaw Uprising, including the running of the BiP (Bureau of Information and Propaganda) in the Old City and in Mokotów, in the PRL (People’s Republic of Poland) he held an ultra-royalist attitude, associating with the B.Piasecki group ( 1945-1946 editor of the " Today and Tomorrow" (“Dziś i Jutro”) newspaper, from 1953 to 1956 of the acquired "General Weekly" (“Tygodnik Powszechny”), a co-editor of "The Universal Word" (“Słowo Powszechne”) "Directions" (“Kierunki”) and " WTK "), a member of Parliament (1952-1956) and (1985-1989) of the IX term on behalf of the PAX Association, a member of the presidium of the Front of National Unity (1970-1983 ), since 1980 Vice-President of the Supreme Council of the Board of the ZBoWiD (Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy), from 1982 a chairman of the National Transitional Council and from 1983 to 1989 the National Council of PRON (National Renaissance Patriotic Movement), since 1983 a member of the National Council of TPPR (Polish–Soviet Friendship Society); a member of ZLP (Polish Writer’s Union) (1966 to 1970 – its Main Administration Board), Polish PEN Club and the Association of European Culture (since 1981 Vice President of the Polish Branch). 


prof. Jacek Bartyzel

translated by Arek Jakubczyk


Kategoria: Reactionary Diary

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